Zedalloy 250

Zedalloy 250

Typical Applications :

    • Gears, Pinion teeth
    • Track links, Tram tyres
    • Sugarcane crushers
    • Gear wheels, Hammers
    • Wobblers, Chassis
    • Rollers, Sprockets
    • Pulleys, Shafts
    • Couplings, Spindles
    • Excavators, Axles
    • Rail points and crossings

Features :

  • Rutile coated electrode
  • Weld deposit resistant to moderate and impact
  • Air hardenable machinable deposit
  • Good resistance against rolling and sliding friction
  • A recommended buffer layer of Tenalloy-16 on hard base materials

Additional information

Sub Category

Welding Electrodes


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